I've mainly been getting back into the swing of things with school. 2 weeks off is not the best for a seasoned procrastinator.
I'm still reading thought! I've been reading ibooks on my phone and taking a break from regular books, but its giving me an appreciation for turning pages, and actually bookmarking books. I can't wait to start back with real ones again!
Liebster Blog Award
Rules of the Liebester Blog Award:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger who presented this award to you;
2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees;
3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen. (No tag backs)
4. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.
Thank you for nominating me! I'm actually obsessed with answering questions about myself. Which tells you a lot about me. Anyways!
Onto the questions from Etheral Book Reviews.
1. What kind of books do you like to eat?
Young Adult and Romance!
2. Are you usually organized?
This is the first, and probably only time you'll see/hear me say this, but NO! My gosh. I am literally so unorganized. It's kind of a problem.
3. Who's your favourite author?
Jodi Piccoult made me re-fall in love with reading after I read 19 minutes.
4. How tall are you? (just to figure out whether I'm short or not :P)
5 ft 2. Shorty status<-----
5. What are your hobbies?
Reading, going on tumblr! (mine is bashfulkids.tumblr.com and I follow back!), and watching horrible reality shows.
6. Do you like stickers?
I love stickers!
7. Are these questions getting boring? (I'm really running out of them!)
Ha ha ha no.
8. Which is your favourite Disney character?
Rafiki from the lion king. Who doesn't love witty baboons?
9. Canada or the United States?
Well, I'm from the United States, but I liked Canada a lot when I visited!
10. If you wrote a book, what would the title be?
And Here We Go...
11. Can you think of better questions than these?
Probably not....awkwarrrrrd.
Now Questions from My Viewpoint on Books
1 What is your favorite child hood memory?
When I was a kid, I would climb into our laundry basket, and my dad would carry it with me in it down 2 flights to the basement. It was always so fun to be carried. I miss my childhood a lot!
2. Do you gravitate toward certain characters in books?
I usually don't gravitate towards certain characters. Well....I guess you could say I do towards the main characters, but I feel like thats the point.
3. What is your favorite genre?
3. What is your favorite genre?
My current favorite genre is Young Adult. Original, I know.4. Why did you start blogging/
One day I stumbled upon astridthebookworm's youtube and then was led through the book tube community. I fell in love, but knew I wasn't exactly ready to start making videos yet, so I decided to start off with a blog.
5. When did you start blogging?
5. When did you start blogging?
End of 2012/beginning of 2013. (During my winter break)6. When was the last time you read a good book? What was it called?
The last time I read a truly good book was in December of 2012. It was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.7. List a book that you liked in the comments?
I thought Mysterious Benedict Society was a good book.
8. What was/is your best subject in school?
English is now, History used to be. My how things change.9. Who's your favorite character in any book?
I honestly disliked Jacob from the book version of Twilight so much. Yes I read twilight. I was in the 6th grade. Sorry, not sorry.10. Least favorite book?
New Moon is the only one that comes to mind.11. Least favorite author?
I can't really get into Nicholas Sparks books. I feel like I committed a sin by saying that! But I'm just a 16 year old blogger!
11 Random Facts about me:
1. I'm knock kneed
2. I have a 9 year old Beagle named Whitney
3. I can never go to bed before 12 on a school night
4. Every school day I run on 6 or less hours of sleep
5. I don't try in school. I don't try to study or do my homework
6. I've worn glasses since elementary school
7. Never had a boyfriend
8. Never been kissed
9. A book has never ever made me cry. Only tear up.
10. I haven't ever failed a class
11. I like summer school!
I don't have enough to nominate! THough I will probably end up nominating people by the end of this week.
Til next time!
A book has never made you cry? I used to be able to say that... And then I read The Fault in Our Stars! I like your blog by the way!
ReplyDelete~ Ruby @ http://feedmebooksnow.blogspot.co.uk
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